Kenn Goldblatt, Author; Doug Noll, Mediator

Kenn Goldblatt, author of “The Pro Se Litigant’s Civil Litigation Handbook,” discussed his background as a paralegal and pro se civil litigant, and his desire to help others by sharing his knowledge. Kenn shared the benefits of the book for people handling their own litigation, including understanding the process and some of the options at each phase of a case. He often provides direction and services to pro se litigants who reach out to him for help. The book, published in 2016, is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and AuthorHouse.

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Attorney Doug Noll left the practice of law to honor his preference for making peace over war (litigation). Doug became a mediator, helping parties in litigation settle their differences without going to trial. He shared a recipe for reducing conflict and calming the anger that many people bring to mediation, called “affect labeling” or calling out a person’s emotion so they feel seen. Doug also shared advice for settling a claim as a pro se litigant, including starting the mediation process as soon as possible, understanding that it doesn’t require anyone to accept a bad deal.

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