Jazz Hampton, TurnSignl; Katherine Alteneder, SRLN

Jazz Hampton, CEO at TurnSignal, shared the frustration he felt at hearing of traffic stops that ended in the death of innocent motorists. His legal career in BigLaw gave him little opportunity to address these concerns, so he left to create an app that ensures the safety of both police and motorists during traffic stops. TurnSignl allows drivers to bring a local attorney into interactions with police and plans for nationwide availability in 2023.

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Katherine Alteneder is the coordinator of the Self-Represented Litigation Network (SRLN)), a group of lawyers, law professors, court administrators, and other professionals dedicated to improving outcomes for pro se litigants. She shared research on the public’s trust and confidence in the courts, and ways to hold courts accountable for improving these metrics. She also discussed ways courts could partner with the justice tech community to make the courts work better for everyone.

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