Number of Diverse Legal Tech Founders Drops, But Overall Percentage Inches Up

Excerpt from Lawsites Blog:

The number of founders of U.S. legal technology companies who are women or people of color has dropped since 2018, but the overall percentage of diverse founders has risen slightly since then, because of fewer companies in the survey group.

These results were compiled by Kristen Sonday, cofounder and COO of legal tech startup Paladin, a pro bono management platform, with assistance from the CodeX team at Stanford Law School and Pieter Gunst, cofounder and CEO of

In publishing these new results, Sonday, a Latinx founder herself, said that diversity among legal tech founders is important because “those who shape the tech will shape the future of justice.”

As part of her survey this year, Sonday includes a list of some of the legal tech companies that have Black or Latinx founders and how to contact them, including:

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— Bob Ambrogi, Lawsites Blog

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