Can’t I Just Fill Out The Court Ordered Form?

In some cases, you can just fill out the court ordered form. These are forms created or approved by a court clerk that tell a judge what kind of order you need and why. If that’s all you need, you’re in good hands with a form. Court ordered forms are best for simple matters, especially when they’re uncontested. Need a mechanic’s lien, or a writ of possession after evicting a tenant? Need to garnish a debtor’s wages or subpoena a witness? There’s a court ordered form for that. But that’s not litigation, which by definition is a contest between two opposing parties.

You may need more than a court-ordered form

When you need to persuade a judge to see things your way — rather than seeing things your opponent’s way — a court-ordered form just won’t do. And if your opponent has a lawyer, be prepared for an avalanche of paperwork headed your way, which you’ll need to match document for document. These are not just any documents. They’re legal documents with peculiar formatting and content and language (or “legalese”). Each document you file should make a legal argument. And it should cite to legal authorities, or decisions from some higher court that tell a judge what to do in cases like yours. But here’s the rub: Most of what you file will have absolutely nothing to do with the main issues in your case. You’ll be fighting over whether the complaint is defective, whether certain evidence can be collected, whether a trial is even necessary, and whether this or that rule of procedure should be applied to your case.

Litigators, prepare for battle

All these issues can affect your rights and your prospects for success. So you have to fight. But most of us aren’t prepared to fight on those grounds. Most of us aren’t ready for real litigation. That’s why 90-95% of people sued for eviction or foreclosure never even respond to the summons. It’s why only 1 of every 20 defendants in debt collection cases bothers to answer the complaint. It’s why companies big and small feel free to rip us off when they think we can’t afford a lawyer. It’s why judges run their courtrooms like everyone has a lawyer when they know 3 out of 4 of their cases have an unrepresented party, someone they’ll see only once, if at all. It’s why there’s Courtroom5. The courts are ours, and we need to take them back. How do we reclaim our courts?

Get a Fair Hearing in Court

No one expects a fair outcome when one side has a lawyer but the other side doesn’t. Level the playing field with Courtroom5.

We do it case by case, pro se litigant by pro se litigant, judge by judge.

  • We learn to analyze a case and form a litigation strategy to win.
  • We learn the art of legal argument backed by solid, persuasive legal research.
  • We learn the rudiments of civil procedure and demonstrate our knowledge with a mountain of thoughtful filings.
Yes we can, with Courtroom5

Get your filings organized and accessible from anywhere. Use a collection of guided templates to prepare your own legal documents. Find and capture legal research to support your legal arguments and rebut your opponent’s. Schedule your work and stay on track with a task manager that reminds you when due dates approach. Collect and organize the evidence in your case so you’re ready to prove the facts. Track your spending to recover your costs when you settle or win your case. Take video courses with exams to learn the litigation skills you need, and get peer advice from our pro se community. Courtroom5 is not for everyone. It’s designed for civil claims only.

We can’t (and don’t) give legal advice, or prepare filings, or do legal research. There are plenty of good lawyers in your area who can do these tasks when needed. But if you want to represent yourself and are willing to do the work, Courtroom5 can help you take your best case to court. Or you can take your chances with a court ordered form. Nah, just kidding. We think your case deserves Courtroom5. Don’t you?

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