Natalie Knowlton, A2J Ventures

Natalie Knowlton is the founder of A2J Ventures, a consulting agency for startup ventures and established businesses working to increase access to justice and the courts. Natalie shared her background as a lawyer who never wanted to practice but always saw an opportunity to help change the industry. She also shared her thoughts on the meaning of access to justice and what it means when societies lack broad access.

Natalie discussed ways to knock down barriers to access and reform the regulatory regime to unleash innovation. She also addressed a misleading narrative around access: that efforts to close the justice gap should be focused only on low-income and indigent people. Her research showed that access to justice should be afforded to people much further up the income ladder. Indeed, Natalie argued that even people who can afford to hire an attorney should have other options for handling their legal matters in a meaningful way.

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