Kristin Henning, Georgetown Law

Kristin Henning, Georgetown Law

Kristin Henning is the Blume Professor of Law and director of the Juvenile Justice Clinic & Initiative at Georgetown Law. She is also the author of “Rage of Innocence: How America Criminalizes Black Youth,” which draws upon her twenty-five years of experience representing Black youth in Washington, D.C.’s juvenile court to detail the myriad ways police encounters are used to deny Black youth the healthy adolescent development afforded to other young people.  

Professor Henning teaches and trains lawyers, judges, prosecutors, and others about the criminalization of Black and Brown youth to help mitigate the implicit racial bias in the juvenile justice system. She offered tips for parents whose children have been arrested to keep them from being targeted for incarceration. She expressed special concern for Black and Brown students with disabilities because their normal behaviors are often perceived as threatening during police encounters, leading to higher rates of removal from their families and communities.

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