Women Startup Leaders Call on Congress to Expand Child Tax Credit

Women startup leaders call on Congress to expand child tax credit

Excerpt from Engine:

Today, 60 women founders and startup ecosystem leaders from 26 states, including Courtroom5 CEO Sonja Ebron, are calling on Congress to permanently expand the child tax credit, helping to support women entrepreneurs. Women founders, who drive innovation across the startup ecosystem and are increasingly their family’s breadwinners, need access to affordable child care to be able to pursue entrepreneurship.

As Congress settles in with their end-of-year to-do list, mothers and women entrepreneurs encourage Congress to support them by expanding child care resources like the child tax credit. Expanding child care resources enables more people to start businesses. In 2021, Congress temporarily expanded the credit through the American Rescue Plan, helping millions of families with children to afford the resources they needed, from rent, to food, to child care.

See the letter to Congress.

— Engine

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