How Justice Tech is Taking a Human-Centered Approach to Access to Justice Challenges

Excerpt from Thomson Reuters:

One of the key tenets attracting actors to justice tech is the push that the best solutions are built by those with lived experience with the problems that they are trying to solve, says Maya Markovich, Justice Tech consultant at Village Capital. “Justice tech founders are historically overlooked for funding,” Markovich adds.

To address this problem, Markovich and four other justice tech startup founders — Courtroom5, HelloDivorce, Easy Expunctions, and People Clerk — created the nonprofit trade group, Justice Technology Association (JTA), in February 2022 with its own board of advisors.

The launch of JTA is another key step in defining justice tech as a component of the legal industry that can build awareness among innovators, technologists, and venture capitalists of the opportunity presented by justice tech startups and nonprofits to tackle complex challenges and disrupt antiquated legal systems.

– Natalie Runyon for Thomson Reuters

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