Durham startup looks to make justice more accessible – one court case at time

Excerpt from Triangle Business Journal’s Triangle Inno:

Durham-based startup Courtroom5 began like many companies do – with frustration.

Sonja Ebron was frustrated, finding herself in court, again, without a lawyer. She compares it to being “beat up” – trying to wade through a system so complex that Ebron, an accomplished electrical engineer with a doctorate degree, found it nearly impossible.

“I didn’t feel I had been treated fairly by the court, by the whole process,” she said.

While she “managed to figure it out” in the end, she couldn’t help thinking about others in her position who didn’t have the same educational advantages. That line of thinking had her cofounding Courtroom5 with fellow former college professor Debra Slone. The goal? To make justice accessible.

Get a Fair Hearing in Court

No one expects a fair outcome when one side has a lawyer but the other side doesn’t. Level the playing field with Courtroom5.

Since Courtroom5 went live in April 2017 thousands of people have been served by the online legal aid resource, which provides educational information and technical documents that enable individuals to represent themselves in court.

— Lauren Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal

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