Attorney At Law Magazine Features Courtroom5 As Legal Innovator

Attorney At Law Magazine featured Courtroom5 in the Legal Innovator section of the March/April 2019 North Carolina edition. I thought they captured our work really well:

Courtroom5 users sign up as members and pay a monthly fee. On-line resources then assist members in understanding how to develop a strategy for their pro se case, provide step-by-step outlines on how to prepare for and file a case as well as providing templates and research tools. “There is also a pro se community where our members gather and talk among themselves about some of the challenges they have,” said Ebron.

Read the whole thing here. While you’re there, check out all the great tips they offer to young lawyers and law firms. There’s loads of information that can help those of us who represent ourselves. It’s nice to have our work to support pro se litigants recognized by the legal profession, especially by such a trusted and revered source as Attorney Law Magazine. More important is to see pro se litigants get the respect we all deserve.

Much gratitude to publisher Robert Friedman for a great interview and writeup. And thanks to Julie Beavers at Lawyers Mutual NC for sponsoring the article.

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