Tell Me About Your Case

Why should you tell me about your case? Because self-represented litigation is a lonely business. Because the isolation we experience slowly drains our energy and saps our will. It can make us want to give up the fight and settle the case before we’ve given it our best.

But why are we isolated? Because we don’t want our neighbors and coworkers to know we’re in court, even when we’re on the plaintiff’s side. Because even when friends are sympathetic, they can’t understand the struggle unless they’ve represented themselves before. That’s why a community for self-represented litigants must be part of true access to justice.

We need to share our stories with each other as they unfold. If you’re a Courtroom5 member, you can check that off your list. We have a place to check in, to get advice from our peers, or just to vent. But if you’re not a member, where do you go to share? I say let’s do it here, in public. Let’s make this a place for all of us. You can share anything you want, but here’s what I suggest:

  1. Your city and state (add your first name and last initial if you like).
  2. The type of case (debt collection, eviction, divorce, etc).
  3. Whether you’re plaintiff or defendant.
  4. The stage of your case (complaint, answer, discovery, trial or appeal).
  5. What’s going on? Has the process been fair? What have you learned? Will you win? Tell me about your case.

You won’t believe the burden that is lifted when you share the story of your case. I’ll bet it looks a lot better in writing than it does rolling around in your head. You’ll also find yourself energized and invigorated — more ready for the fight — just by writing it down. Although I want you to share it, you’ll get most of the benefits even if you don’t hit ‘Send’. Just write it down. See it for yourself. Feel the power of community right there in your words on the screen.

Get a Fair Hearing in Court

No one expects a fair outcome when one side has a lawyer but the other side doesn’t. Level the playing field with Courtroom5.

If you’ve read this far, take another 90 seconds to tell me about your case in the comments below. Or if you get this by email, feel free to hit ‘Reply’ and tell me privately. I may share what you’ve written in another post, but I won’t share your name or email address. Either way, thanks for being part of our community.

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December 26, 2023 6:14 pm

I filed a case about retaliation for complaining about racial discrimination while working remotely. I was harassed, called names, and locked out of meetings even though I was the manager. I made verbal and written complaints and took proactive steps to try and stop the toxic environment. My managers all failed in their duty to protect me. When I made my grievance official in writing to the staffing agency and informed the manager I reported to that I made my grievance official I was immediately fired. On December 13th the judge having seen all the evidence and defense had no reasonable defense to the evidence. Only claim that even if all facts are true since both companies are outside of Hawaii, the case should be dismissed with prejudice as the judge has no personal jurisdiction to hear the matter. The judge despite all the evidence and the harm done, went into depression, lost a pregnancy and this led to a divorce. She grants it stating that all defendants are in differing states, they don’t deny any allegations. So no dispute and that jurisdiction is being incurable by amendment due to multiple jurisdictions of defendants. Granted the dismissal with prejudice instead of making a change of venue or holding a hearing and getting them to agree on a state for which all would grant jurisdiction. Do, they get away with what they have done after basically admitting it just because it was a remote job?

April 2, 2024 3:07 pm

i need help. I have orders to present more definitive answers and to provide the evidence properly. I have letters proving my case from Labor and industrial relations and the department of employment securities showing my former employer submitted different dates for layoff I need to submit this evidence the right way and I dont understand how

April 25, 2024 10:30 am

I filed a Malicious Prosecution complaint under 42 U.S.C 1983 in The Northern District Of Texas and I received a Notice And Election Regarding Consent To Proceed Before A United States Magistrate Judge,Is it advisable to choose a magistrate judge to speed up the case?

I need to file an appeal to a summary judgment tha
August 9, 2024 1:07 pm


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