Losing In Court?

Start a Personal Practice of Law at Courtroom5

Confidence in Your Case Starts Here

Interpret the Law
Apply the Law
Argue the Law
Boost your odds in complex cases like foreclosure, medical debt, malpractice, and federal claims.
Real Litigation

Get automated guidance on your next step, video training, live workshops, and simple documents like notices and proposed orders.

Pay As You Go
Custom Docs

Analyze and assemble complex legal documents with your unique facts, compelling arguments, and valid case law.

Legal Experts

Use our cost-effective lawyers, paralegals, and legal experts (where available) for coaching, document review, and trial prep.

Gain the court’s respect and fairness   •   Dodge the pitfalls of hidden rules   •   Avoid settling for an unfair amount

U.S. Civil Cases Only

No Lawyer? No Problem. Start Your Personal Practice of Law Today!

You’re wasting time in court if no one’s practicing law on your behalf. Courtroom5 is your comprehensive legal toolkit, empowering you to confidently interpret, apply, and argue the law on your own. Our trained AI makes it easier than ever. Don’t go to court without Courtroom5.

Why a Personal Practice of Law?

Courts resolve disputes through the practice of law. Your opponent is represented by someone with a graduate degree in the law, a legal practice dedicated to the claims in your case, and years of practicing law in your local courthouse. To get a fair trial, someone has to practice law on your side.

Courtroom5 prepares you to practice law for yourself — interpret the law governing your legal issues, apply legal principles to your specific facts and circumstances, and argue your legal positions in court both orally and in writing — until you win, lose or settle.

ABA Journal Legal Rebels Award Winner

Key Features

Practice law for yourself at Courtroom5

Choose Your Move

Identify the best course of action with guided decision-making tools.

Received a discovery request? Should you answer fully, object to it, or seek court protection? Evaluate the best options and take action.

Learn the Standard

Understand and apply the legal standards for your chosen procedure.

Opposing a summary judgment motion? Get the rules in your jurisdiction and the essential information needed to fight back and save your case.

Map the Elements

Dissect the elements of your case to know what must be proven.

Does the complaint state a claim? Are defenses strong or weak? Is a discovery request relevant? Will evidence prove the claims at trial? Know thy case.

Find the Right Law

Use a comprehensive database to find relevant case law and precedents.

Get search terms customized to your case and selected procedure. Judges may not like you, but they’ll like your research, arguments, and citations.

Craft Your Filing

Create precise, effective legal documents with step-by-step templates.

Writer’s block is evil when you don’t even know the language. Get a first draft of your legal document that reflects your facts, analysis, and legal research.

Get Expert Help

A network of lawyers and other professionals are standing by to serve you.

Courtroom5 is the most powerful litigation support platform for people in civil court without a lawyer, but we all need a little help from our legal friends.

Available in all U.S. jurisdictions

You have the right to practice law for yourself in every court in the United States. Start your Personal Practice of Law at Courtroom5.

Map of USA


U.S, state, federal and territory jurisdictions covered


of Courtroom5 members either win or settle their cases


people served with a wide variety of serious civil claims


documents prepared for filing on the Courtroom5 platform

Your opponent is in court to win.

You should be too.

Don’t expect fairness when you’re in court without a lawyer. Your opponent’s lawyer works for them, not for you. Get serious about your case and start a Personal Practice of Law today.

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