Patti Mazurkiewicz and Rae Lynn Christians, Integrity Nurse

Patti Mazurkiewicz is a nurse and certified life care planner. She described the use of life care plans in personal injury litigation and the process of creating them. She explained that certification to become a life care planner includes courses and exams on the purposes, procedures, and ethics of estimating the medical and other needs of an injured person for the remainder of their life. Life care planning is used by both plaintiffs and defendants involved in personal injury litigation. While most parties seeking life care plans are represented, there is a significant number of pro se litigants amongst the clientele.

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Rae Lynn Christians is a registered nurse and founder of Integrity Nurse Consulting and Life Care Planning. She explained the difference between life care planning and medical cost projections, a simpler and less expensive estimate of the needs of an injured person. Medical cost projections are often the first step in the life care planning process and are more often used to drive early settlements in personal injury cases. Rae Lynn is sometimes used as an expert witness when life care plans become part of trial evidence.

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