Mauricio Duarte of A2J Tech; Yousef Kassim of Easy Expunctions

A2J Tech COO Mauricio Duarte discussed the No Code movement in software development and the tools they’re using to help legal aid agencies, law firms, and justice tech companies build technology that improves access to justice. Mauricio shared his philosophy on the broader meaning of “access to justice” beyond having access to courts or lawyers.

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Yousef Kassim, founder of Easy Expunctions, described the dire consequences for people with criminal records when getting background checks, seeking employment, and leasing homes. He also explained the complex procedures involved in getting a court order for expungement and then enforcing it with private companies, and how Easy Expunctions makes it all easier with no risk.

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Get a Fair Hearing in Court

No one expects a fair outcome when one side has a lawyer but the other side doesn’t. Level the playing field with Courtroom5.

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