How To Prove A California Conspiracy In Restraint of Trade Claim


How To Prove A California Conspiracy In Restraint of Trade Claim


In California, a claim of Conspiracy In Restraint of Trade is defined as:

An attempt or intent to eliminate or stifle competition, to effect a monopoly, to maintain prices artificially, or otherwise to hamper or obstruct the course of trade and commerce as it would be if left to the control of natural and economic forces.

It simply means:

A party tried to stifle competition and unfairly compete in the market.

There are 3 elements of the claim:

  • Element 1. There was the formation and operation of a conspiracy. A conspiracy in restraint of trade occurs when two or more people secretly work together to limit competition or control prices in a market, which can harm consumers and other businesses.

    Facts that might support this element look like:

    * The defendants engaged in secret meetings to discuss pricing strategies that would limit competition in the market.
    * Evidence shows that the defendants coordinated their marketing efforts to eliminate price competition among themselves.
    * Emails between the defendants reveal a mutual understanding to restrict supply to drive up prices.
    * The defendants implemented a system to monitor each other’s pricing, ensuring compliance with their agreed-upon strategies.
    * Testimonies from former employees indicate that the defendants explicitly instructed staff to avoid competing on price.

  • Element 2. A wrongful act meant to further the conspiracy was committed. A wrongful act, like fixing prices or sabotaging a competitor, was carried out to help achieve the goals of a conspiracy that unfairly limits competition in the market.

    Facts that might support this element look like:

    * The defendants coordinated their pricing strategies to eliminate competition in the market.
    * A series of secret meetings were held to discuss tactics for undermining a rival company’s business operations.
    * The defendants distributed misleading information to consumers to discredit a competitor’s product.
    * An agreement was reached among the defendants to allocate market territories, effectively reducing competition.
    * The defendants engaged in a campaign to pressure suppliers not to do business with a competing firm.

  • Element 3. There was damage to the plaintiff resulting from such wrongful act or acts. The plaintiff suffered harm or loss because of the illegal actions taken by the defendants, which restricted fair competition and trade.

    Facts that might support this element look like:

    * The plaintiff experienced a significant decline in sales revenue following the defendants’ coordinated actions to undermine their business operations.
    * The plaintiff incurred substantial legal fees while attempting to counteract the defendants’ anti-competitive practices.
    * The plaintiff lost key contracts with suppliers due to the defendants’ efforts to monopolize the market.
    * The plaintiff’s market share decreased by 30% as a direct result of the defendants’ conspiratorial conduct.
    * The plaintiff suffered reputational harm, leading to a loss of customer trust and loyalty after the defendants spread false information about their business.

(See Quelimane Co. v. Stewart Title Guar. Co., 960 P. 2d 513, 19 Cal. 4th 26, 77 Cal. Rptr. 2d 709 (Cal. Supreme Court 1998).)
If you’re in court without a lawyer and plan to assert a Claim of Conspiracy In Restraint of Trade, having a Personal Practice of Law at Courtroom5 is essential. You’ll need to make informed decisions about what to file at each phase of your case and prepare legal documents that are supported by thorough legal research and a strong analysis of the facts. Equip yourself with the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate this complex legal landscape effectively.

Prove Your CA Conspiracy In Restraint of Trade Claim

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